Thursday, January 31, 2008

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

Image for a moment I was telling you about a dream I had last night. I was flying above the clouds, farther and farther away from my home. This causes me to wonder... What does this dream mean? Does it have any purpose? I decided to find the answers by studying oneirology and using the three main dream theories. The most unusual of these theories is Dream ESP.

Dream ESP is just how it sounds. Using the dream from the introduction, depending on how I was flying, Dream ESP says that one of the following could be in my future. If I dreamed I was flying so high that I could actually touch the moon and stars this portends many different types of global disaster that I may soon hear of. If I flew high with black wings I was warned that I am headed for a letdown of magnitude. Dream ESP says that only the few that are truly open to their spiritual side can remember their dreams, thus deciphering them and knowing what will be.

In example, the book, The Dimensions of Dreams cites a story where a little girl told her mother, "I dreamed I went to school and there was no school there. Something black had come down all over it. I'm not afraid to die because I shall be there with Peter and June." The next day her school was destroyed by a stream of coal slag, the little girl and her friends inside were never found. Is this an example of dream ESP?

Marci Pliskin made a great point in her book Interpreting Your Dreams, "...Prophetic dreams can be attributed to 'fine cuing,' or by the process where the unconscious picks up nonverbal warnings, subtle vibes, or small impressions." Maybe this was how the little girl knew of the tragedy headed her way. What if she had unconsciously picked up on the clues and then dreamed of them while in a more relaxed state of mind?

That such viewpoint is considered sub-conscience hints. Sub-conscience hints are when a person notices something in their waking life, but shove it to the back of their minds. Once again utilizing my dream from the introduction, this theory states that my dream could be trying to tell me about a few things. Maybe I was throughout the day and I needed to feel free, so I dreamed of soaring away from my problems. Or possibly in my waking life I noticed a story about a sky-diver a few moments before I went to bed, so I dreamed of sky-diving myself. While I was sleeping, my mind was free to wander. Trying to keep the brain occupied, my mind caused me to dream. This theory states that my dream was composed of what was going on during my day.

In the book, Interpreting Your Dreams, Dr. Just talks about how Mary Shelley came up with the idea for her story, Frankenstein. "...Before going to bed [Mary Shelley] was encouraged to write down a horror story. That night she had a nightmare that became the basis for her book." By telling horror stories directly before she went to bed, Mary Shelley dictated what she would be dreaming about.

Jayne Gackenbach states in her book, The Emerging Mind, "Dreams speak to us in a language of metaphor. While awake, we may use words that evoke images but we don't directly live the images. In dreams, we live the visual image of the metaphor. So what if none of your dreams seem to be telling you anything of the future, or they won't ever make you a famous detective someday for discovering that hidden clue? Well, then you might believe the third theory.

Nearly all of our dreams make no sense, thus making most of us believe that dreams really have no scientific purpose. This is called the mind chatter theory, which implies that dreaming has no purpose in life other than to occupy the brain while a person is resting. Yet again inserting my dream of flying, this theory states that my mind had to stay occupied while resting, so it played a movie to entertain itself. It may have taken things from my waking life so that I would understand it, but not enough to wake up. But, there was no real meaning for the dream.

Dreaming is much like that brain in the fact that scientists know enough about it to be even more intrigued. The Waking to Our Dreams website states that everyone dreams, even the blind. The average human has 100,000 dreams in their lives. That's roughly 1,300 a year or 3 a night. The Purple Shaman DreamSite says that people have been studying dreams since the Egyptians. So, if everyone dreams and there have been studies for thousands of years, assuming humans have been dreaming for just as long, why can't anyone really tell us why?

The answer may be that dreaming is too much like the brain. Scientists haven't yet found a way to explore either with our current technology. Maybe, in the future, we will find out which theory is correct. Do dreams foretell us of our own futures? Are our minds telling us about the things we took for granted during the day? Or are our psyches just creatively keeping us busy during the night so that they can regenerate? But, if this speech has put any of you to sleep, then you might be able to tell me which theory is right...


Fore, Anthony. An In-depth Look to Why We Dream.

An In-depth Look to Why We Dream. 19 Sept. 2005.

08 Sept. 2005

Gackenbach, Jayne. "Sleep and Consciousness." The Emerging Mind. Ed. Karen Nesbitt Shanor. Los

Angeles: Renaissance Books, 1999. 73-103.

One Step Beyond (Waking to Our Dreams). Ed. Gavin Brown. 25 Aug. 2005. 08 Sept. 2005


Pliskin, Marci. "Are You Dreaming?" The Complete Idiots Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams. Ed. Jessica

Faust. New York: Aramath, 1999. 5-57.

Shakespeare, William. "Act Three, Scene One." 1596-1616.

Hamlet. Ed. Alan Durband. Hauppauge: Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 1986. 142-145.

Tennant, Rich. "The 5th Wave." Comic Strip. Dreams for Dummies. Foster City: IDG Books Worldwide,

Inc., 2001. 217.

Vedfelt, Ole. "Dreams and Parapsychology." Trans. Kenneth Tindall. The Dimensions of Dreams.

Denmark: Gyldendal, 1999. 222-241.

Wong, Janet S. "Falling." Night Garden Poems from the World of Dreams. Ed. Margaret K. McElderry.

New York: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing, 2000. 17.

The Milky Way Galaxy: All a Non-Astronomy Student Could Ever Want to Know

As a side note, before I began this class, I was one of the many people who just wished on stars. I loved the night sky, so I was interested, but never enough to take a class on the subject. So, when I decided to broaden my horizons, I thought that an astronomy class would be the perfect thing to absolve my curiosity. I had no idea how much work I was in for, or how over my head I would be. But, as the class progressed on, me slowly but surely staying on course, I became intrigued. I will still never be an astronomy whiz by any degree, but this class has given me a newfound respect for those who are.

Now, let’s get to my “findings” of the Milky Way Galaxy. First, a definition of a galaxy: a collection of stars and interstellar material held together by gravity. Scientists discovered the name Milky Way from the band of light that is seen overhead on very dark nights. Older civilizations names it the Celestial River. Essentially the Milky Way is considered a large galaxy with 200 to 400 billion stars. Scientists, understandably, can’t agree on a more exact number. The Milky Way is interestingly shaped like a disk, although this is common among galaxies. This disk has a diameter of 100,000 light years with an average thickness of 10,000 light years, which increases to 30,000 light years at the center, or nucleus, or the spiral. Just so everyone is up-to-date, a light year is the distance light travels in a year, considerably a little bit more than a standard “earth year.”

The Milky Way has extensions which are called spiral arms. There are currently thought to be six main arms, which make the Milky Way a spiral galaxy. Bur the universe is of course, always changing. This is shown be evidence that now says our galaxy could include a bar-like area of “new” stars. This bar would make the Milky Way now a barred spiral. More evidence of our galaxy’s evolution was found in 1951 when William Morgan and his scientific team discovered that both the Orion and Preseus arms of the galaxy had their own spiral arms, too.

The Milky Way is compiled of many things, including interstellar gas, dust and stars. The biggest star is well known to be the sun. This star that we all hope for on rainy days and enjoy on the beach is on the Orion Arm of the spiral. This arm connects to both the next inner and outer arms. It is two-thirds away from the center of the Milky Way, a trip of about 28,000 light years. From pictures you would see that there is little to see beyond the sun’s orbital distance from the center of the galaxy. The curve of the galaxy makes one think there is a great deal of mass, but there is no light there. This is called the dark matter problem, and states that the halo of our galaxy is filled with a mysterious dark matter of unknown composition and type.

Our galaxy also has a circle of star clusters, called a Stellar Halo. This halo extends 130,000 light years away and surrounds the whole galaxy. The unique formation has puzzled astronomers for quite a while. A few believe that the halo was the first development. The gravity then pulled at this halo to shape the Milky Way’s center disk. While this pull was still collapsing, stars continued to evolve; causing their materials to explode and force the debris through the “winds” and soon the said explosions and debris for the last part of the disk. This theory is called the “Outside-In” theory, in layman’s terms, because the galaxy was from the outside halo and then drew itself in. The other common theory is quite the opposite. The disk formed from a cloud of unknown material, from unknown regions. The halo then formed as other clouds, also unknown, were drawn into our galaxy by its gravitational tidal. No one as of yet knows which theory is closer to the truth, or if either has hit upon it.

But, the Milky Way is not just a bunch of stars grouped into secular formations. It also contains some distant clusters, two other close galaxies named the Magellanic Clouds and four smaller galaxies. All of these “sub-galaxies” and clusters make up the mass of our galaxy, and have helped it to evolve into what we now know and love it as. Other factors defining this evolution are broken into two populations. Population one includes the arms and center plain containing interstellar gas, cosmic dust, and bright, young stars. Population two is made of the Stellar Halo, the spaces between the arms and the central core, which has the older, duller stars. What is left of the galaxy has either suddenly collapsed or is collapsing in stages into population one, which is still forming. The current ago of our galaxy is estimated to be around 13.6 billion years old, nearly as old as the universe itself.

While all of this does contribute to the mass of the Milky Way, the main attribute of our galaxy is a group of old stars in the middle. As said earlier, in the dead center of the Milky Way is a nucleus, this “brain” of the galaxy is thought to contain a million solar mass black hole. This pulls gravity and the “tidal waves” towards it and causes our galaxy to continue to amass other clusters and galaxies.

The Milky Way, as we have now found out, has never stopped evolving. It continues to grow by “eating”, so to speak, smaller satellite galaxies. As you are sitting there reading this, the galaxy is joining with moth of the Magellanic Clouds, and will be for the next 100 million years. An earlier example of this was found in 2003. A galaxy previously unknown was found colliding with the Milky Way. The galaxy and its red stars are still currently being pulled into the Milky Way. This galaxy, now known as Canis Major, will soon lose its structure, and is still 25,000 light years away from the center of our galaxy.

This is not the only one currently on a collision course for the Milky Way. The biggest and most destructive will be the Andromeda Galaxy. In a short two billion years the gravitational tide waves will tear the arms apart and shred the pinwheel from the outside in. The Milky Way will then become and elliptical. This is nothing to fear though; scientists believe that our solar system will not be torn completely apart from the sun. Although, this is all theory.

As I said at the beginning of this paper, I have discovered a lot of things that most will never know, and most that I won’t be able to correctly define a year from now, I’m sure. But what I do know is that as I sit here writing this, I have, in fact, not quenched my curiosity. I’ve only made it all that much worse. And somehow, I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I do, however, still believe I am in way over my head!

Formation of the Milky Way, The E.J. Alfari and A.J. Delgado (1995)
Milky Way, The G.L. Vogt (2002)
17 August 2004 – Press Release European Southern Observatory
University of Oregon Astronomy 122
University of Maryland – West Baltimore

Television Ratings – Are They Necessary and Valuable?

On January 1, 1997 a new set of television standards was introduced to the public, TV Parental Guidelines. (1) While these ratings do not completely prevent a child from watching something outside their maturity level, it does help parents to know and understand what their children are watching. The “TV Parental Guidelines” were set up so that every series could be rated by the content it showed its audience. The ratings available can be seen on several websites and in many books, but the most common is (2)

While most television shows still display the same content that they would have without their ratings, people can now understand what type of show they are watching based on its rating. For example, TV-MA (V, S, L) would mean that the show is for mature audiences over seventeen and contains violence, sexual activity and crude language. (3) This does not mean that parents can spend less time watching their children’s television habits, but it does give them a spotlight on what shows could be inappropriate for them to view.

Yet another issue with the Parental Guidelines is whether or not they work. According to the Parents Television Council, they do not. The president of PTC, L. Brent Bozell, says “Our findings show the blatant hypocrisy of TV executives who claim that parents should rely on TV ratings… Most television programs showing foul language, violence, and inappropriate sexual dialogue or situations do not use the appropriate content descriptors that would warn parents about the presence of offensive content.” (4) Many other organizations and parents agree. While having a rating system at all is a big step towards corporation responsibility, there is still so much more that needs to be done.

An alternative to the ratings system is for the parents to view the shows that their children watch, or are likely to watch, before they do. By viewing a few episodes, one can get a general idea of what their child will be seeing in subsequent episodes. This may not seem like a difficult job, but too few parents take the time to do this. Yes, most parents are very busy, with approximately 28% of children living in single parent homes, but I don’t believe that anyone should be allowed to complain about what others are putting on television if they don’t take the time to evaluate the shows themselves. If a parent is too busy to pay attention to what their children are even watching in the first place, then it doesn’t matter what the ratings are, their children will find a way to watch them regardless.

This brings me to public responsibility. Many will ask what the ratings do for the common person, what if you don’t have kids, or you don’t really care about the ratings on the shows? How does this affect you then? Well, if parents keep harassing the media to “watch what they say”, so to speak, then pretty soon everything will be censored. I am not saying that parents don’t have the right to have their children protected from the violence, sexuality and language that TV does seem to glorify, but they don’t have the right to stop what everyone else is viewing. If the public doesn’t find a happy medium well, one side will win. Censorship or complete chaos, what do you want?

(1) The Wikipedia Encyclopedia
(2) TV Parental Guidelines
(3) The V-Chip Education Project
(4) Parents Television Council Publications
(5) Health E-Notes

Soundtrack of Your Life: The Life and Times of Kayla Fine

Yesterday I was given one of the hardest assignments of my life. Music is my life. I live, breathe, and dream of it. I use melodies and catchy lyrics to face whatever I am dealing with; much the way a painter uses color to expose their emotions. When I was asked to make a soundtrack to my life, I thought I was on easy street. That is, until I started putting my playlist together. As I thought about times in my life, I tried to decide which memories I wanted to let the world in on, my almost graduation, my parents constant fighting, my first apartment, my best friend's death, or should I even say anything at all? After careful thought and consideration, I have composed a list of influential moments in my life.

We'll start with my life as it stands now. I moved to Maryland six months ago, leaving behind a fiancé', lifelong friend, little sister, and a newborn goddaughter. While this has been very difficult for me, I believe that I am doing what is best for me by removing myself from my dark past. Thus I chose "I Just Wanna Live" by Good Charlotte as my first song. Although I felt that I was doing something to improve my life, I was repeatedly told that I was living in a fantasy world, much the way this song goes... "Stop your messin' around, better think of your future, better make some good plans... Lookout, better play it safe, you never know what hard times will come your way. We say, where we're coming from we've already seen all the bad times..."

I understand though, why everyone was worried about my decision. I was sixteen when I moved out of my mother's home. I lived with friends until I got my first apartment. I felt on top of the world, until the rest of my family stopped talking to me. I was told that I was pushing people away, and that I started fights with my step-father. These memories helped me make my next selection, "Ever Mine" by Gabrielle. After hearing this song, I knew that I wasn't alone. If others had done it, so could I. "...So I hold my head high, and I keep my wits about me. I keep my wits about me and I take each day in stride. And I wonder a bit aimlessly, do you think I'm free?" After listening to that song for about two weeks, I finally decided to prove to myself that I was not worthless by getting my GED.

By now, you may be wondering why I ever quit school in the first place. I wonder that myself some days. My relationship with my now ex-finance' led me to make some dumb decisions. I met him when I w seventeen and was instantly smitten. He soon convinced me, quite easily I will admit, that I should drop out of school and move out of my home. While I will always regret not standing up to him and letting him control me, I will never regret what I learned from him. I am a stronger woman because of those two years, both mentally and physically. And so, this is for every woman who has ever been in that position, courtesy of Green Day's "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)." "Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road, time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go. So make the best of this test and don't ask why, it's not a question but a lesson learned in time..."

So far, what you've read has made it seem like I had a horrible childhood, which is not true. While my parents did divorce when I was young, so did over half of my friend's parents. My step-father and I may not have always gotten along, but I never went cold or hungry. My mom worked all the time, and my dad made sure that she had money to take care of me and my younger brother. But sometimes I think that maybe that was what their problem was, they never really lived. My biggest fear as a little girl was that my mom would somehow not be able to pay the light bill, or the rent, or the gas bill... As I was sitting there wondering why I worried about things like that, I realized that I always heard my mom arguing with my dad about it. As a kid, I was never shown how little we had, but I knew from their attitudes. So Smile Empty Soul's "Silhouettes" is a message that I think my parents should have heard. "I don't wanna live like my mother; I don't wanna let fear rule my life. And I don't want to live like my father; I don't want to give up before I die. When I have kids, I won't put any chains on their wrists, I won't. I'll tell them this, there's nothing in this world that you can't be if you want it enough."

After reading all of this, you probably think "poor Kayla.” Well, stop. If there’s anyone you should be feeling sorry for, it’s all the single parents out there. When I was old enough to accept what divorced parents meant, I took it hard. I remember the fights with my mom and dad both. I did as most kids at my age did. I played them against each other, which caused even more fights. I also remember all the broken promises. That’s the main reason why I chose Everclear’s “Wonderful.” One of the strongest memories I have is blaring that song from my radio hoping that one of my parents would get the hint. Whether they did or not, I’ll never know. “Promises mean everything when you’re little and the world’s so big. I just don’t understand how you can smile with all those tears in your eyes and tell me everything in wonderful now.”

Looking back on this soundtrack, I feel like I’m reaching out in hopes of gaining pity. That is not my intention. I simply want to show that it doesn’t matter what or where you come from, you can be better. You really can learn from your mistakes, and from others, if you so choose. I did that. I chose to be more than anyone ever gave me credit for, to be more than what was expected of me. And hopefully, in ten years this soundtrack will be completely different.

Shifts in Cultural Icons: Johnny Depp

Many Hollywood stars have made a career out of changing with the times and constantly “updating” themselves, (i.e. Madonna), but there are a few select who have done quite the opposite. These stars have used their careers to change the environment around them. Some of those people include rocker Tommy Lee, musician Mariah Carey, and comedian Jim Carrey. One other such person is Johnny Depp. Depp quit high school when he was fifteen, not to become an actor but actually to be a musician. It wasn’t long before his close friend Nicolas Cage suggested that he read for a small part in Nightmare on Elm Street in 1984, and he has been redefining our world from that day on. (1)

Depp has since starred in 40 plus films and TV shows besides the Nightmare on Elm Street series. A full filmography includes; Private Resort (1985), Slow Burn (86), Platoon (86), 21 Jump Street (TV 87-89), Cry Baby (1990), Edward Scissorhands (90), Arizona Dream (93), Benny & Joon (93), What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (93), Ed Wood (94), Don Juan DeMarco (95), Dead Man (95), Nick of Time (95), Donnie Brasco (97), The Brave (97), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (98), The Ninth Gate (99), The Astronaut’s Wife (99), The Man Who Cried (2000), Before Night Falls (00), Chocolat (00), Blow (01), From Hell (01), Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (03), Once Upon a Time in Mexico (03), Secret Window (04), And They Lived Happily Ever After (04), Finding Neverland (04), The Libertine (04), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (05), Corpse Bride (05), Kingdom Hearts II (05), Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (06), The Rum Diary (06), The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (06), Pirates of the Caribbean Three (07), and Shantaram (07). (2) And that’s only the ones he actually acted in, not to mention the films he has directed or produced. In each of these films the audience is being given a little tour through Depp’s life at the time of the filming.

For example, in 2001 while filming Blow, a movie about the life and times of the cocaine importer George Jung, Depp did an interview in which he said, “It’s a cautionary story and you learn from other people’s mistakes.” He also stated that he never quite fully recovered from when friend, River Phoenix, died in 1993 due to an overdose near his nightclub, The Viper Room. (3) The Tiscali website states Depp admits the same fate nearly consumed him. (4) Yet another example of how Depp’s movies have imitated his life are his latest roles.

Up until the birth of his children, Depp took on many interesting characters, a confused Satanistic antique book dealer in The Ninth Gate, a drug dealer in Blow, a crazed astronaut in The Astronaut’s Wife, and several small parts in the “Freddy Kruger” movies. But when his children started getting old enough to see their father in action, his audiences saw a sharp turn in his typical role, to an outstanding children’s author in Finding Neverland, Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and a bumbling husband in The Corpse Bride.

While many believe that Depp has gone soft, I believe that his taste in roles has just been expanded to fit his current lifestyle. Depp continues to take on many daring roles, such as one of his most audacious characters yes in The Libertine. He has also transformed old movies into modern-day box office smashes with his personas. Take Captain Jack Sparrow; had it been any other actor, he would have been thrown off the set, but Depp made millions love his womanizing pirate portrayal. Willy Wonka is another example. He not only credited the one and only original Wonka, Gene Wilder, but he also recreated the role to fit his ambitions and to bring a new crowd in on a classic. This shows that he is still making an impact on Hollywood with his own brand of stardom, though he doesn’t quite fit the “norm” for movie superstars. He would rather be in Europe drinking a cup of coffee and having the rest of the world ignoring him, save his family, than be at a movie premiere. And while he doesn’t quite fit the mold of the cookie-cutter idol, he does fir the high-low hierarchy. Depp is definitely on a “high” hierarchy, he is renowned throughout the world as an amazing actor, he is a dedicated family man, and he still makes a career out of quality acting.

So while many are here for a decade at most before they wash out, Depp has been on the scene for 22 years, and is not expected to be leaving anytime soon. He has shocked us, on occasion disgusted us, amazed us, and enlightened us all. Anywhere you turn a Depp movie is abuzz, he is literally known worldwide, and yet he is still most comfortable at home with his loved ones. I would consider that adapting to the times quite well.

(1) The Online Wikipedia Encyclopedia
(2) IMDb Film Database
(3) The New York Times Online
(4) Tiscali Film & TV

Questioning the Media - Radio, Politics and Social Issues

How often do you get into social or political conversation with a twenty something outside of a college classroom? Or even better, how about a teenager anywhere? Very few people my age have little, if any interest in political matters. And the only social issues they worry out are their social lives. Although I must admit that students are getting involved with their government more in modern times, there are still gaps left as to what we need to know and what we actually know. Even when you do find a group of kids arguing a political issue, too often it is of no real importance other than George W. Bush's daughters' drinking problems. This is why if I owned a radio station, I would find a way to show young people the importance of government knowledge.

This might not be the best approach, but as a young adult and part of the main demographic targeted by radio, I do believe that this would eventually show young people that no matter their background, the government does affect them. Essentially, the government touches every aspect of our lives. So, I believe by putting the issues in a listener-friendly format, I could interest more people and put them back in control of their lives. This would then cause them to speak out and make the politicians hear the modern youth and that could change our government and lives for the better.

Poems, poems, and more poems... DON'T LAUGH!!

Harmony with a Thief

You are no artist, this is not true art.
I will see real works, this you must believe,
Now soon the artist’s touch I will receive.
You see, I’ve taken chances, done my part,
Dreamt softly deepest in my heart.
To me you may lie, but do not deceive,
To all who know the truth, are you relieved?
A blessing but a curse? At least a start.

For one so judgmental, you choose the past,
Truly, my art is fresh, the future, now!
Your poor, tiny heart will quickly heal and mend,
And all will see the world is great and vast.
So hush my child, many heed your vow,
Your world of art is nowhere near the end.


Majestic trees sit
watching, deliberating
not one sheds a leaf

Rose Work

Toys, intimate playthings
Pink, red and peach
Double A batteries, ac wall adapters
Passion, commitment and trust
Welcome to the world of Passion Parties by Kayla
Cash, check, Visa© and MasterCard© accepted

Shame on Me

A full moon sits perched over me as I sit here and count the days until I can see you again...
I can't think, I can't dream, I can only wait for you to be back at my side...
To be back at my lips and to taste you again, to be under your spell...
I’m surrounded by others, but I feel alone without you, nothing else matters but what I see in your eyes...
I hope that your passion is for me and not they don't put on a show, please let me in...
Do you really love me, or do you use me as a replacement for her? I wonder, because here I am...
A full moon perched over me as I sit here and count the days until I can see you again, but you're not coming for me, you never will...
Once again, you fooled me...
This time, shame on me...

The Stupidity of America

reality tv, paris hilton, the Gay Debate, gun control versus the entitlement to artillery, abortion versus the privilege to exist, sovereignty of choice, candor of speech, freedom of “LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”

who said that I wanted to pursue happiness? where’s my freedom to pursue disappointment, failure? when will this alleged great nation recognize my right to…

In this country of whiners, this melting pot of critics, we are taught, no BRED to weasel our will upon others. To force our hand to get what we want.

If the world is a family, then we are the spoiled, bratty five year old who wants THAT toy
starvation, mutilations, confrontations, assassinations, executions, massacres, slaying, murder, rape

the Forsaken Ones, neglected, cast off, abandoned, pushed out of sight and out of mind

When will we acknowledge our right to be the good samaritan? When will we reach out a hand to help of our own free will, not to receive something in return, but just because we are the bigger man, and because our mothers taught us that we should? When will we forget about profit and pride and remember humility and honor?

Tipping the Scales

I stare at your voluptuous curves as steam rolls of your soft edges
I smell the honey essence you butter the air with
slowly I reach for your gentle touch
but I stop
and remember my vow.
now you taunt me from across the bar where I see your body glisten in the dull glow
suddenly deciding to chance the numbers, I grasp for you
and I gradually cut at the tension that has been baked into your very soul
exposing you so that my eyes can devour what my mouth has been missing
I cover you with the velvety treat we’ve both been waiting for
I’m ready to devour you and as I do a broad grin spreads across my face
my chastity may be broken, but the bottomless vacuum is quenched, finally
where have you been my warm, welcoming friend…

Waking Nightmare

I’m scared to close my eyes,
but I don’t want to keep them open to the horrors of what is here.
Sleep eludes me in one blink and chases me in the next.
Visions of ghosts haven’t quite faded from my sight,
and I jump at every knock and bang.
As I hear the clap of thunder and wait for the pain, I count sheep.
Suddenly sheep turn to predators, grabbing at me
nothing is innocent.
Should I sleep and return to the horrors of the dark, hellish world that waits for me to close my eyes every night
or should I stay awake and wait for my inner demons to devour me, soul and all?
Such is the terror that patiently waits for me during the daylight hours.
It lets me laugh with the sun and makes me cry at the sight of the moon.
As I pray for the horizon to light up, my pen grows heavy in my hand and the darkness pulls me in,
new horrors slowly seeping in with every inch of lucidness lost.

Wasting Away

in the dark shadows of the hallway
she thinks about her dreams she thinks about her plans she thinks about the visions
she knows there will never be anything but a past
her words seem to misplace their meanings as she repeats them over and over
the future is never coming for her
she is stuck
haunted by imps
twisted lies she told now consume the hollow body where her soul once thrashed for liberation
oh well all that is important now is how she is glued to this very spot
never moving never changing
she will continue to do the same thing for the rest of her short miserable existence
Her future withers swiftly and in silence while his is just blooming.

Film Success: Bad Reviews

This paper is about something very dear to my heart, horror films. Horror flicks rarely do well in theaters, especially horror remakes. So, I was not shocked when I looked at the composite review for the most updated version of the Amityville Horror. Many critics say that this movie has been done to death, but if you can think back to a time when scary movies, well scared you, I’m sure you will find some adaptation of this movie around. Every generation has had one seen through their eyes. This is not just a cult classic, but a rite of passage.

Do you remember when you were a child and not allowed to see the gore fest everyone was raving about at school? Did you ever sneak out to see one anyway? I’m sure you did at least once, most have. The Amityville Horror was that movie for me. In my hometown there was a little theater that showed classics cheap, this was where many of my friends and I went to escape our “horrid” parents. Well, the 1979 version of TAH was one of those movies. I remember when I saw it that I was mesmerized. What had I been missing in all those other thriller flicks had come to town? So when the new variation came out last year, I was so excited. In a simple opening credit moment, I was taken back to that summer long past when I first experienced the original.

Just think of it this way, when something does really well in the public eye, people tend to copy it for continued success. Take any era. Since the nineties, people have been bringing them back… hippies, grunge, disco even. Well, many movies are the same. Since this particular movie was such a success, a lot of thriving horror directors site it as a huge inspiration, and eventually consider a revisit. That’s why layman’s grade did not, in fact, shock me. B+. While many reviewers saw it as a weak attempt to yet again redo an old movie, viewers saw it as a chance to bring an old favorite to the new generation. And I must say, I agree.
Face Number Seventy-Eight

Click. The green light flashed on. The tape was recording. “So who are you today?”

“My name is Eliza Friday and I am a hit man. Jesus, I sound like I’m at a god damned AA meeting. Let me start over… Hi, my name is Eliza Friday and I kill people for a living. Does that sound too blunt? The truth never sounds as nice as I’d like it to. I lied though. I used to kill people for a living, then I just killed people. I guess you could say that I’ve retired.”

“Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?”

“I’ve been pulling triggers since I was eight. I made my first hit when I was sixteen. A man paid me $600 to shoot his brother. I did it. I was desperate. I needed the money for drugs. My uncle Dorian became my guardian when I turned seventeen after my parents were killed. It’s been a year since the night I came home and discovered their bodies, sleeping in pools of blood in their bed. I’ve cleaned up since then. Well, I’ve cleaned up meaning the whole drug thing is long gone. I guess I can’t say I’m really clean since my profession is in the area of death-dealing. I can remember what it felt like the first time I picked up a gun. I found it pushed in the back of my father’s sock drawer. There it lay, tucked away in an innocent sleep. I hesitated, but not for long. Curious little fingers wrapped around the barrel, plucking it from its bed. It was cold and heavy in my third grade hands. I’d never had anything more dangerous than safety scissors. Honestly, those things are more terrible than garden shears because at least garden shears get the job done, quick and clean. Those damn safety scissors would take two hours to break through the first layer of skin. Sorry. I’m rambling.”

“It’s alright, continue.”

“I inspected the barrel. It wasn’t loaded. My eyes had to be gleaming by then; I had just discovered a shiny, new toy and spent the rest of the morning running around my playroom, clicking the trigger at dolls and teddy bears. My nanny, Lupe’, found me eventually. I remember the look on her face when she walked in to find my eight year old self pretending to put a bullet into Mr. Bear’s right ear. There was a lot of screaming and crying from both of us as she grabbed the gun out of my hands and marched me straight to my father’s office downstairs. She was muttering Spanish curses to herself the entire way. I’d never been more scared and I have never walked more slowly through the house than I did that day. I thought maybe my father was going to take the gun, load it and shoot me right there for being so bad. Or, at least if he didn’t, I knew for sure Lupe’ was going to. I knew that woman had always hated me anyways. When I was seven, I was under the firm belief she was trying to poison me. She always used to tell me she’d cook something extra special for me or she had a special surprise for me, stuff like that. Anyways, she was fired a few months later for stealing money from the family vault. Rambling again. I’m really sorry.”

“Keep going.

“Lupe’ marched me right into my father’s office. He looked up from the phone setting the receiver down. ‘Look what I find your daughter playing with,’ she had shouted, dropping the gun onto the desk like it had an offensive smell. He picked it up and asked me where I had gotten it from. I bit my lip, rocking back and forth on my feet. I whimpered that I had found it. ‘You took it out of my sock drawer, didn’t you?’ he said. I was shaking by then. ‘Senor, she is terrible child! She need to be sent away to boarding school at once! I found her shooting at dolls with gun!’ I really hated Lupe’. My father thanked Lupe’ and dismissed her, setting the gun back down. I gulped as he crossed his arms. ‘Eliza, you know you’re not allowed to go snooping around our bedroom. Your mother would have a fit if she knew about this… that’s why I’m not going to tell her.’ I nodded in shame. I’d rather have had him shoot me than be disappointed in me. I apologized. ‘But since you found your first gun, let me at least show you how to shoot it right so you don’t go killing yourself.’ And that’s all I remember from that day. He wasn’t even mad. After that, he started taking me to shooting ranges. For my thirteenth birthday he gave me my first handgun, a Beretta Tomcat. He told me never to use it on a person and I obeyed. My father was my superman.”

“What were you thinking about the first time you killed someone, Eliza?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?”

“I wasn’t thinking about anything. It happened too quickly to think about anything. I watched him walk to his car and the I just… shot him.”

“And you didn’t feel angry or scared or nervous?”


“Were you happy? You said that you wanted the money for drugs, did that make you feel good?”

“I was addicted to heroin, nothing made me feel good.”

“Why did you do it then?”

“Don’t you ever do things for no reason? I’m assuming that since you’re the doctor here you’ve never killed anybody before, but haven’t you ever just… done something just to do it?”

“Of course, but Eliza, I think my situation and yours are slightly out of comparison.”

“Just because I’ve killed twenty-two people and you haven’t doesn’t mean we can’t relate here.”

“Eliza, the difference between you and me is…”

“The difference between you and me is that I’m crazy and I used to kill a lot of people for a living. You’re crazy and you enjoy rooting around killers’ heads for a living. In the end, Dr. Hill, we’re exactly the same, we’re both crazy!”

The doctor’s arms folded across her chest, red lips pursing. “If that’s the way you to look at it, so be it.”

“You’re the god damned so called psychologist, you tell me how I’m supposed to look at things. You’re supposed to be ‘helping me out.’”

Her head shook, she took off her glasses, “I can’t help you.” Her voice almost sounded like it wanted to laugh. “You can’t even help yourself. Look at you, you wake up a different person every day.”

“But I’m Eliza Friday.”

“You’re not Eliza Friday. You’ve never killed anyone in your entire life. Your name is Jane Elizabeth Brody. You’re fourteen years old, born and raised in Salem, Massachusetts. You had dog names Sam and you went to Salem City School for Girls. You liked to draw a lot. You didn’t have many friends, always quiet, smart though. And when you were twelve, your family died in a freak car accident.”

“What are you talking about? My name is Eliza.”

“And yesterday your name was Cleopatra and the hospital was your kingdom. The day before that you were captaining a ship heading for the Caribbean. The day before that you told everyone you were the color purple.”

“I am the color purple.”

“You can’t be a color, Jane.”

“Yes I can,” I whispered.

She shook her head, “No.”

“And I was Cleopatra, I was, do you want me to tell you about it? I remember everything.”

“No Jane, I’ve already heard about Cleopatra.”

She rummaged into a file cabinet behind her, pulling forth a shoebox labeled “Cleopatra.”

“What is that?” I asked, leaning over in my seat.

“It’s all of your Cleopatra days on tape.” She pulled off the lid, revealing at least twenty tapes, arranged by date. “I’ve been introduced to Cleopatra on twenty-three different occasions. Usually on Thursdays.”“Cleopatra likes Thursdays, it’s her favorite day. She said so.”

“I know,” Dr. Hill nodded, putting the tapes away.

“What is it called? What is it called again? I know you tell me everyday, but everyday I forget.”

“Dissociative Identity Disorder, or Multiple Personality Disorder. You have a lot of different people living up in that head of yours.”

“How many?”

“Seventy-eight, now counting Eliza Friday, whom I met for the first time today.”

“I don’t believe you,” I mutter.

“You never do, would you like to hear some of the tapes?”


But Dr. Hill was already back in a different file cabinet. She set a box labeled “Kitty Bellevue” on the table.

“Who’s that?”

“Kitty Bellevue, you were here for a week straight last February,” Dr. Hill said as she popped a tape into the player. It crackled a moment for her voice came on.

“Who are you today?”

“Kitty Bellevue, and if you don’t mind, I’d like to keep this confidential. I don’t want my fans knowing I have to see a shrink.”

“You have fans? Are you a celebrity?”

“You should know that I’m an actress, a very famous one.”

“How old are you Kitty?”

“Have you ever heard of a girl named Jane Brody? She’s a big fan of yours.”

“A big fan you say? I knew a Jane Brody once. She did my makeup for the Oscars. That was back in, oh let’s see… 1932.”

Dr. Hill stopped the tape I had lost my train of thought, staring at the little gears winding around and around inside the tape player.

“Let’s have a listen to the color purple now,” she said, putting in a new tape. It started the same way as the last one.

“Who are you today?”“Purple.”

“I asked who, not what. Who are you?”

“I am purple. That is who I am and am not.”

“I’m not sure that makes sense.”

“Purple never does make very much sense. That’s why it’s purple.”

I didn’t want to listen to this anymore. “Turn it off please.” Dr. Hill’s eyebrows raised above her square glasses. “Okay,” she said, hitting the stop button, switching tapes and hitting record.

“Is Eliza still in the room?”

“No,” I paused, “she had to go.”

“Where did she go?”

“I don’t know.”“Are you sure?”“She told me not to tell you.”

“So who are you now?”“I’m Dr. Hill.”

“Jane,” she said her voice suddenly stern.

“Is the tape still going, you’ll want to get all this. Start asking me questions.”

“You’re not me.”

“My name is Doctor Jillian Hill. I used to get teased a lot at school. Everybody call me no-hills-Jill because I didn’t need to wear a bra until I was in twelfth grade. I never had many friends. I…”

“Jane!” She cut me off, “that’s enough.”

There were tears rolling down my cheeks, “I’m sorry.” Glancing at the clock, Dr. Hill stopped the tape.

“That’ll be all for today Jane, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She hit a button on her desk, leaning over to speak into the intercom microphone, “Micheal, please escort Jane back to her quarters.” The door opened, Micheal entered. He bent down beside me, smiling and holding out his hand for a high-five like he always did.

“Are ya ready kiddo?”

I stared at his hand, then looked back at Dr. Hill as she opened her laptop and disappeared into her world of work. “Janie, c’mon, it’s almost time for television. Everyone’s waiting for you.”

“Waiting for me, waiting for the girl who wakes up a different person everyday, waiting for the girl who’s always entertaining, who always has a story to tell. No wonder everyone likes me, they look at me and see some… some creature with seventy-eight faces and they think it’s funny. They’ve never woken up in the middle of the night and been one person and suddenly been a completely different person. They don’t sometimes forget their real name, or that their family is dead, or that they used to have a dog named Sam.”

“Janie, let’s go now. Dr. Hill has work to do,” he said.

I blinked, sliding out of my seat. Micheal led me out the door and down the hall. I could hear the television muttering cartoons in the rec-room. The rest of the girls were sitting around, looking like angels in white nightgowns. They turned their heads when I walked in. “Who is she today?” One girl blurted out, standing on the couch. A round of questions came hurtling at me as Micheal quieted everyone, steering me into my usual chair off to the side, “leave her alone girls, just watch TV.”

They all shut up, watching me walk by with cold eyes. Sara was sitting beside me. She was my only friend. She’s a pathological liar. She smiled at me, blonde curls bobbing as she leaned over, “Jane?” She whispered.


“Was it a good one today?”

“Yes, I made her mad again and then I cried. She bought it all,” I whispered, a little grin smearing across my face.

End of An Era/Life In This World

A Compare and Contrast Essay in Two Parts
Part One: End of an Era – Was the Mauve Decade Really the Gay Nineties?

Annabelle woke up on a hot July morning in 1899. Even at four o’clock in the morning she could feel the air beginning to burn up. Although she dreaded getting up, she knew if mister and misses Supra woke up and she did not have breakfast ready, she would be beaten, at best. Seeing as she was unmarried at the age of twenty-two and already three years out of primary school, she realized that she would never find another job, not being a woman. But that would all change once she was accepted at the Columbia Female College in South Carolina. (Drahos) That is, she hoped to be accepted. Annabelle had been saving every extra penny for nearly seven years now. Four years tuition at two hundred dollars a year. (Derks, 20)

There had been a lot of things she could have spent that money on in seven years. Food, clothes, a show now and then, any one of those could have earned her a husband by now. After all a good corset was only a dollar from Warner’s, Dongola button shoes were just a dollar fifty and a nice skirt would only set her back two and a half dollars. (Derks, 18) Of course, that was only two weeks’ wages. Two more weeks she would have to work scrubbing pots, cooking, cleaning, and babysitting, all for the horrid Supra’s. Besides, she had had many an offer from suitors before, the first coming when she was only fourteen and shortly after her parents died. He mother Eva from tuberculosis and her father Frank from influenza, sadly only weeks apart from one another. (Drahos) But she wasn’t alone.

Down the road her friend Mary Ann lost the only parent she had left, her father Jacob. She had been smarter than the other girl, many said. While Annabelle struggled to find a way to make it without selling herself as a house maid, Mary Ann settled for Robert Pirrot, a man fifteen years her senior. At thirteen years old she had become a step mother and unpaid servant. Annabelle thought nothing of it, that was the way a woman’s life was to be in the nineteenth century. Only her teacher thought any differently. She urged Annabelle to finish school and give herself a chance to become an individual. The woman even went as far as to allow her to attend school for free. Unfortunately the actual cost was devastating to the child. Many days she went hungry with no money to feed herself and nary a way to earn any. The woman child simply worked for a place to lay her head at night. Soon she discovered the Supras and worked out a plan. She would work before and after school and on the weekends the seven months school was in session. The other five Annabelle was to work every waking moment. This allowed her to not only earn a meager living, but also to finish school and have a stable home, though the price she paid was high. Mr. Supra was a violent mans who drank often. As Annabelle was not only young but also beautiful, he often took his emotions out on her. Many times she hoped that he would come home angry instead of drunk.

Partly because of her dire circumstance and partly because of her teacher’s kindness, she had decided to leave for college and become a teacher herself. Many girls both married and maiden had discovered that this was their only choice if they wished to lead an educated life, which was close to outlawed to women in 1899. (Drahos) That fall Annabelle finally had enough money to send her tuition, application, and her most inner dreams away to the Columbia Female College, whose main course was titled “Curricula on University Plan.” (Derks, 20) If accepted, she would then be allowed to take the teacher’s entrance exam at Grange Hall. (Drahos) With no family and no savings left, the exhausted soul waited for the response.

Six long weeks passed with Annabelle walking two miles each Saturday as she ran errands for Mrs. Supra in town. Each time she would stop at the post office and listen to the town gossip while anxiously checking to see if she had any mail. (Drahos) Finally, the second Saturday of September she found a letter waiting for her. With shaking hands she looked at the thing, sparse envelope. She carefully turned the package over, realizing that this small object held her entire future within. Slowly, she opened the letter. Inside was a solitary piece of parchment paper. She instantly realized the news had to be bad, of course they wouldn’t waste paper to tell her what a fool she was. Of course they would not accept her, she was not worthy. As she unfolded the paper, tears fell down her cheeks and several horrid questions flashed through her mind. Would all her dreams be crushed? Would she have to be a “free” slave for the rest of her life? Would she have to marry some stranger just to have any existence at all? Or could she in fact become something more? Would she be afforded the opportunity to soar above her circumstances?

Part Two: Life in This World – Are We Really Better Now?

I hope I’ve left you with some questions. I hope you can look and see some of Annabelle in yourselves, regardless of your stature or sex. Florence Wyse VandenBelt, a woman born in a small town called Empire in 1892 said, “During the passing years many changes have occurred, but I prefer to cling to my happy memories of the Empire of long ago.” (Drahos) In this essay I was to compare and contrast 1899 and 2007. I began this task by showing you what a young woman’s life would have been like in 1899. She was my age, and thought a lot like I do. But she lived a hundred and eight years ago. This woman’s circumstances are not much different from what many face today. Now I’d like to show you the year 1899 in review.

First, a few facts… Interesting births from the year include; Al Capone, Humphrey Bogart, Charles Best (co-discoverer of insulin), Alfred Butts (inventor of Scrabble©), Fred Astaire, E.B. White, and Ernest Hemingway, just to name a few. Inventions were a thing of the year, too. Aspirin was patented, as was the first lawn mower. The first US body shop was opened in Boston. A “refrigerating machine” was patented, and Carnation© made its first can of evaporated milk. (“Timeline”) In Saint Louis, Missouri a motor-driven vacuum (Kane) and the bicycle were both patented, as was the wooden golf tee. The first auto parts store was opened, also in Saint Louis. Meanwhile, in Italy the Fiat Company© opened its doors. (“Timeline)

Politics were not to be outdone in 1899. A peace treaty was signed between the US and Spain, ending the Spanish-American war. (Encyclopedia) Then again, only two days before that, the Philippine Insurrection began. The plague was covered up in San Francisco, to acknowledge its presence was a felony. But the plague also arrived in Hawaii that year. The Gideon Society began placing bibles in hotel rooms. A murder happened in Manhattan, the first vehicular homicide ever, by an “electric” taxi. Winston Churchill was captured twice while reporting for the Morning Post. An epidemic killed twelve thousand African Americans and eighteen thousand Caucasian Americans. One hundred and nineteen thousand more Africans barely lived through the Boer War, enslaved by the first concentration camp on record, owned and run by the British. Churchill reported on this also, of course. (“Timeline”)

All hope was not to be lost, though. The arts and humanities had a busy year in 1899, too. Lynn Riggs wrote what would later become the musical Oklahoma. Gustav Klimt painted the beautiful Nude Veritas. Rudyard Kipling wrote The White Man’s Burden while H.G. Wells authored When the Sleeper Wakes. Sir Arthur Evan discovered the awe inspiring Minoan civilization on the island of Crete and the great Monet painted the first of his Lily Pond series. (“Timeline”)

I believe that all of these advancements, what I prefer to call leaps of humanity, owe a great deal of servitude to the circumstances in which they were created. To write a novel about human suffering, on must suffer then soar above that suffering. To paint beauty and awe, one must acknowledge ugliness and sorrow. To create wonderment, one must know utter despair first. These are the human contrasts in the nude. I also believe that these two years, 1899 and 2007, are alike much in the way that human suffering is and was ever present for all to see. But, unlike in 1899, we of the year 2007 do not make the best of the worst. We choose to wallow in our despair, suffering and ugliness. Thinking only of ourselves, we fall into the pit of self agony. We choose to rescue those that must rescue themselves. Today, to know suffering is nothing, but to understand that suffering, to rise above it, that is the miracle.

Meanwhile, Annabelle not only fought her surroundings, she changed them. She knew if she wanted a better life, she would have to build it for herself. No one would come to her rescue; no one would guide her along the path. But she would become the first lady of her family to graduate college. More than that, she was the first woman in the still small town of Pleasant Plains, Arkansas to own her own successful business. She didn’t marry until 1906, and she did so on her own terms. (Fine) Annabelle Rojetshave’ is more than a story; she is an inspiration to men and women alike for a new generation of survivors.

Derks, Scott. The Value of a Dollar: Prices and Incomes in the United States, 1860-2004. Millerton: 2004. 14-20
Drahos, Marta Hepler. “Family: Marriage, Work Disease and Ice Skating.” Travers City Record Eagle. 21 Feb. 1999, sec D: 2+
Encyclopedia of American Facts and Dates, The. New York City: 1997. 384.
Fine, Kayla. “Annabelle the Great: An Interview with the Family of a Legend.” Anne Arundel College Observer. 11 Nov. 2005, sec. B: 3.
Kane, Joseph Nathan. Famous First Facts. USA: 1981. 805
“Timeline 1989-1899.’ Timelines of History. 2007. Timelines of History. 15 Feb. 2007.

Ban the Deed, Not the Breed!

Are all blondes dumb? No, but stereotypes like this dictate that they are. So are all pit bulls vicious? Of course not, but many people base their opinions and beliefs on this very stereotype. This is why I’ve been watching the BSL controversy, or Breed Specific Legislation. BSL is a law that singles out a certain breed of dog as “dangerous” or which has “dangerous qualities.” (1) This law restricts or bans those breeds based solely on identity. As the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) states, “BSL is tantamount to racial profiling. To pit bull guardians and animal advocated, the ban is not only canine discrimination, it’s ineffective.” (2) And there are many others who agree.

Officials in Prince George County may be overturning the decision to enact BSL, saying “The legislation has simply encouraged owners of vicious dogs to either go underground or get fighting dogs not yet covered by the ban.” (1) The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association states “From a scientific point of view, we are unaware of any formal evaluation of the effectiveness of breed specific legislation in preventing fatal or non-fatal dog bites.” (3) There are also several problems with BSL including; identifying the correct breed, (pit bulls are most often confused with boxers), keeping potentially vicious dogs from irresponsible owners, finding funding to enforce the law, stopping dog bites from breeds not covered, confusion of mixed breed owners, and vague descriptions of covered breeds. (4)

Now that you know what BSL is and isn’t, we’ll see what it covers. American Pit Bull Terriers, (more commonly called pit bulls), are the most frequently banned breed, but Rottweilers, American Bulldogs and Doberman Pinschers are also often outlawed. (5) Locally, Prince George County and Naval Base City have banned Rottweilers and pit bulls. Hagerstown has also banned Rottweilers and is currently considering a ban on pit bulls. (6) And lastly, “The state of Maryland was considering instituting a statewide ban [of pit bulls], with a hearing scheduled on Friday, March 16.” (4) I am currently awaiting a response from the governor’s office on the outcome of that hearing. After all of this, one would assume that pit bulls or Rottweilers would have the highest rate of bite victims. They would be wrong, that distinction belongs to the German Sheppard and the Chow. HSUS had this to say, “Communities that banned specific breeds have discovered that it has not been the easy answer they thought it would be. Any dog can bite a person. It’s much more effective to look at each dog, not each breed.” (2)

So, what should communities do since BSL obviously doesn’t work? Several cities have started requiring pet owners to spay and neuter their animals as pets that have been “fixed” are less aggressive. (7) Some city councils have also enacted “dog bit” legislation. There are also many other options like low-cost obedience classes and strengthening penalties for dangerous dogs and their owners alike. It will take time and the dedication of responsible pet owners and lawmakers to assure that the few who are liable for dog fights get punished accordingly, but it will eventually happen.

Finally, let’s look at the reasons why so many people are afraid of pit bulls in the first place. The two most common reasons are their dangerous locking jaws and bite pressure. According to Dr. I. Lerh Brishin of the University of Georgia, the jaws of the pit bull are exactly like all other breeds. “It is physically impossible for the dog’s jaw to lock without breaking that dog’s jaw bone to be released. This simply is not an evolutionary advancement, and thus not true.” He also states that there have been no conclusive tests to prove that pit bulls have any more bite pressure per total jaw area than even a pug. And such test would be indecisive due to variables such as dog size, situation, and individual dog temperament. (8)

Now just the facts. Every year in America there four hundred forty-four thousand people who die due to smoking. 42, 366 more die in car accidents, followed closely by the 38,000 deaths of children due to gun related injuries. Two thousand more children are murdered by their own parents. But the horrific fact is that three people a year are killed by pit bulls. (9) What would you ban, given the choice of course?

If that didn’t worry you, this might. The astronauts from the 2003 space shuttle were rescued by three pit bulls. Popsicle, USA’s best Custom Agent Drug dog is a pit bull. SSgt. Stubby was the US’ first official War Dog and also a pit bull. Not to mention that Jack Dempsy, Fred Astaire, Thomas Edison, Helen Keller, Teddy Roosevelt, and Micheal J. Fox were all proud owners of, you guessed it, pit bulls. (9) They would have been terrified to know that if you pass through a state with BSL enacted, that state has the right to confiscate and kill your dog in accordance with the law. What if your poor pooch is a boxer, but you have no papers saying so? Then your dog can be taken into the pound and put down also, all in the concern of public safety of course.

Many other responsible pet owners are struggling with this reality every day that BSL is not stopped. When will they come after your pet? Whether you agree or disagree, remember what Chief Dan George said, “If you talk with the animals, they will talk with you and you will know each other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears, one destroys.” (10)

To sign the online petition and help stop BSL in your town or state, go to

(1) Animal League and Historical Center, Personal interview (Interviewer: Kayla Fine) with Mayor Mark Jonpus, June 2006
(2) Humane Society of the United States – Breed Specific Legislation: How the Law Will Affect You and Your Pet
(3) Sacks, Jeffery J., MD, JAVMA, Vol. 217, No. 6: 836-840 Sept. 2000
(4) National Animal Interest Alliance – BSL and What it Means to You
(5) The Wonderful World of Sidy Boy
(6) Rott – N – Chatter
(7) Stop BSL
(8) The Real Pit Bull American Newsletter Vol. 25: 10-13 Mar. 2004
(9) – The Truth About Pit Bulls
(10) The Pit Stop Weekly, Vol 346, No. 4: 34-42 Aug. 2003

Long time, no write...

Sorry that it's been so long since I've wrote to the whole three people out there :) but I've been so busy. Not much to report, just trying to keep myself occupied so I don't bug that one person I like to death, you all know how it is when you like someone. You seem to always have something to say to them, and then you worry about being annoying, considering that I'm pretty annoying on my own, I know it's in overdrive now!

Anywhoo... to make up for it, I'm going to post some stories I've worked on in the past and am trying to revamp for my new portfolio. Email me what you think of them... Some are poems, some are articles, and some are just plain short stories. All the poems will be in a post together and the rest will be in their own post.


Monday, January 28, 2008

Manson break...

Ok guys, two things... first, I, Kayla Fine, am officially a new journalism intern. I'll talk about that more, l8r, but right now I am working on getting my portfolio together for my new boss. And I have to admit that that is no easy task, I've wrote more than I thought I had, (good stuff anyways).

But anywayz, I was having a hard time concentrating so I started listening to one of my fave new bands, (well, they're not new, I'm just new to them...) X Japan, and they have this song called "Crucify My Love" (it's on my MySpace playlist at and it's really good)... Ok, so it's got a classical music sound to it, but it's actually helping e to concentrate a lot better than Manson is right now, and that's shocking in itself! I just wanna jam out right now to Manson, and that is NOT getting my portfolio together...

Anywhoo... the point of this boring ass bulletin is to give me a break from that daunting task and to rock out to some MANSON... (I love those freaking elipses right now, don't I? HELLS YEAH! Take a rock break everyone, you deserve it!!

Love you all... (one last one I promise... tee hee hee)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

I may be an intern! (Watch out Monica...)

So, yeah... Shockingly my mom is taking me not going back to college and wanting to write full time quite well. Yeah, scares the hell out me, too! To make matters fully incomprehensible, she's even found me a journalism internship. The job is pay less, as most internships are unfortunately... but it could really help me build my portfolio and gain valuable experience. Plus, I'm hoping that I wow the editor so much that it turns into a regular job.

Ok, so I'm still stuck in b.f.e. (that's bum f**k Egypt for all you non-initialers out there), and I have to get another job just to keep up with the bills I already have, not to mention the new ones I'm going to incur while trying to keep up with the modern world, (thus being able to write about it). And I'm not going to get paid, did I mention that yet? Haha, sorry not what I wanted my career to look like, but even Stephen King had to start somewhere! Oh, oh, oh... AND I get to mark something off of my New Year's Goals list, (I don't make resolutions, I make goals, much better). #3 Get some kind of job where I write, creatively.

To tell the truth, I'm really excited! Woo and hoo... tee hee hee. Sorry, sorry. Hey, at least this is a happy post!

Here's to everyone achieving at least one goal today, even if it's just to make your bed as soon as you get out of it, (shut up! That's one of my goals, too!)

Friday, January 25, 2008

A little V day cheer...

My Aunt Tammy sent this to me and I thought it was too good not to pass on to all of you... Enjoy.

Happy friggin Valentine's Day :)

What Love means to a 4-8 year old . . . Slow down for three minutes to read this. It is so worth it. Touching words from the mouth of babes. A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean?' The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:

'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.' Rebecca- age 8

'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth' (this is my favorite one...)
Billy - age 4

'Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.'
Karl - age 5

'Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.'
Chrissy - age 6 '

Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.'
Terri - age 4

'Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.'
Danny - age 7

'Love is when you kiss all the time Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss'
Emily - age 8

'Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.'
Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)

'If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate,'
Nikka - age 6 (we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)

'Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.' (I like this one, too.)Noelle - age 7

'Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.'
Tommy - age 6

'During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore' Cindy - age 8

'My mommy loves me more than anybody You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.'
Clare - age 6

'Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.'
Elaine-age 5

'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.'
Chris - age 7

'Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.'
Mary Ann - age 4

'I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.'
Lauren - age 4

'When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.' (what an image)
Karen - age 7

'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross.' (SO true!)
Mark - age 6

'You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.'
Jessica - age 8

And the final one -- Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child.

The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.

When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said,

'Nothing, I just helped him cry'

I hope you all have someone to love like that this Valentine's Day! (but if not, be like me and say NO to VD! :) lol)

Valentine's Day sucks

I have decided, on more than one occasion that I HATE Valentine's Day. Especially when there's all those sappy love stories on and I feel farther than even away from BEING in one of those movies... Ok, you know what I mean! But, I don't want to ruin anyone else's good mood... so I'm going to stop here and let all you lovebirds get back to your gay-ass make out sessions!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Ok, so from the last post about an hour ago we have all discovered that I do not a mix master make! But, I have been known to have an inspired idea from time to time... HA-HA I shall have the last laugh!

Shut up already, I feel proud, inspiration struck finally. So I don't know anything about techno, but what I do know is that the most popular stations of any genre have their own podcasts. So I just looked up every sub-genre of techno and downloaded them. They talk about the top artists and who's who of the scene. So, yeah this may be boring all of you, but I was so excited about it, I couldn't keep it to myself!

Anywayz, here's to all inspired ideas. May we all have them daily, (even if it's just to crawl back into bed with the special someone laying there and forgetting about the rest of the world, oh la la...)

Damn birthdays!

Ok, so you all know how you have that one friend who is IMPOSSIBLE to buy a present for because they seem to have everything they want already? Well, one of my friends just like that is having a birthday soon... Sunday in fact. Now, I am the type of person who loves to give gifts tailored to the person's personality, but J is quickly becoming a case that I'm finding harder and harder to solve. He's into spirituality, but not any one kind AND he seems to find all the info he needs. But, none the less, I found a few books that deal with just that, looking for inspiration within who and what others believe in. But I don't want to be the friend who gets someone books, how fun is that. Woo and hoo...

So, I've been working on making him some cd's of his favorite type of music... techno. Now here comes the problem I'm encountering, there's not just techno, oh no that would be way to easy for me... No no no, there's house, progressive house, trance, electronica, post progressive electronica, (ok ok, I made that last one up, but you get my drift). See, I like techno, or whatever you want to call it. Honestly, it perks me up and makes me wanna dance, like a fool as any of my friends who have seen it could probably tell you, but that's not the point... (it's also awesome in the bedroom, trust me!) The point is, I'm not such a huge fan that I can tell which artists in each style are better than the rest, which ones J would like most to be exact.

This is where this post comes in... I'm hoping that a few minutes away from the mix table will be enough for me to cool down and come up with a brilliant plan...
Nothing, what a flipping shock! Ok, so it's back to the task at hand, hopefully inspiration lightning will strike any time now.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

1, 2, 3... Let's go, or stay?

Ok, so I made a promise to myself that I would write a new post everyday. Well, two days into the new blog and I already broke that promise. Not that there was much interesting to write about yesterday... Fought with my mom while trying to help her clean her house, lots of sleeping in, arguing some more with my mom. She wants me to go back on the road, this from the woman who freaked out when I took the job in the first place.

Oh yeah, you don't know about that yet, do you? Well, at the end of November of last year I took a mag agent job traveling around the US... This was the perfect job for me, I wouldn't be cooped up in one place for very long, and I got to see the world while selling magazines. I was always told that I could sell anything. Well, let me tell you, selling mags is not as easy as some might think, especially doing so door to door. But I had fun and made some awesome friends, not to mention some incredible memories.

But, unfortunately that's all in the past. Now is time to move on and look to what I should be doing now. As for that, the point of today's blog... I have no freaking idea! So, I guess that while I sit here and try to once again find a reason for my insanity, you all can mull it all over with me. Better luck to us all!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Starting over... again

Ok, so this is the first entry in my new life... God, how many times have I said that and done this? How many times have I started over just to realize when I'm back at square one that I have no idea why I left square seven (hey, that's as far as I've ever gotten!). THIS IS THE LAST TIME. And I mean it this time. Okay, so I'm unmarried, I still rent, and I don't have a nine-to-five job. But on the upside, I'm unmarried, I still rent, and I don't have a nine-to-five job. (Name which author said that and I'll love you forever!!) Not saying that I'm estatic about that, but I've learned to deal with what I've been given. This characteristic lack of foresight might explain why I dropped out of college after three years, why I change my hair more often than Brittney Spears goes to rehab (will cutting all my locks off change my life? I think so!), and why I deem it necessary to move across the country every 8 months or so.

Yet, somehow, despite or perhaps because of the zigs and zags my path has taken, I've managed to end up at a fairly good place. I have friends who love me and whom I adore equally, I have family who doesn't ALWAYS drive me crazy, and I have my precocious health. But then again that does seem to fail at the most unopportune times. I can't exactly say that I've found happiness, but I have found a smile or two in the most unexpected places. And hopefully some day I will find my sunshine, just not in a salon. (c:

So, my wish for this "yet-again" new beginning is to finally discover who I really and truly am, to find love, success and happiness. Hell, I wish that for all of us, especially you.