Sunday, January 27, 2008

I may be an intern! (Watch out Monica...)

So, yeah... Shockingly my mom is taking me not going back to college and wanting to write full time quite well. Yeah, scares the hell out me, too! To make matters fully incomprehensible, she's even found me a journalism internship. The job is pay less, as most internships are unfortunately... but it could really help me build my portfolio and gain valuable experience. Plus, I'm hoping that I wow the editor so much that it turns into a regular job.

Ok, so I'm still stuck in b.f.e. (that's bum f**k Egypt for all you non-initialers out there), and I have to get another job just to keep up with the bills I already have, not to mention the new ones I'm going to incur while trying to keep up with the modern world, (thus being able to write about it). And I'm not going to get paid, did I mention that yet? Haha, sorry not what I wanted my career to look like, but even Stephen King had to start somewhere! Oh, oh, oh... AND I get to mark something off of my New Year's Goals list, (I don't make resolutions, I make goals, much better). #3 Get some kind of job where I write, creatively.

To tell the truth, I'm really excited! Woo and hoo... tee hee hee. Sorry, sorry. Hey, at least this is a happy post!

Here's to everyone achieving at least one goal today, even if it's just to make your bed as soon as you get out of it, (shut up! That's one of my goals, too!)

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